Conny Jaroni on Radio 100.7 about small parties in the European elections

The small roundtable centred around the question: How do you get the motivation to campaign when you know it's difficult to get a seat?

May 27, 2024

Conny Jaroni for Volt, Ali Ruckert for the KPL and Patrick Lamesch for the Conservatives took part in the discussion. Conny emphasised, among other things:

Each of us can play our part in how Europe develops. I believe that we must now decide in which direction Europe should develop. Do we want to watch the whole thing move to the right or do we fight against nationalism, against right-wing populism and in favour of a united Europe? For me personally, Volt stands for this like no other party, against nationalism and in favour of a united Europe - with everything that comes with it. We are THE European party, even if other parties are now calling themselves that for the European elections. But I believe we are the most consistent in taking this idea further.

Watch the 100.7 interview in full length now! (in Luxembourgish)