Thank you for your votes!
The European elections are over. Volt was able to win two seats in the Netherlands and a total of three seats in Germany. We also took part in the elections in Luxembourg and won a total of 1.04% of the votes.

Volt Luxembourg would like to take this opportunity to thank all voters who have placed their trust in us by voting for us. Our hard work as volunteer candidates has paid off, as we started from practically scratch after the corona pandemic. None of our candidates had previously held a political office and we are not yet well known on the Luxembourg national parliamentary scene.
Thanks to all our supporters, we have been able to communicate our idea of a united Europe, our common pan-European project, more than ever before.
Now more than ever, we need your support so that we can believe in our dream of a united Europe again, after the European victory of more and more right-wing extremist parties. That's why: become a member or make a donation (or both at the same time! 😉), so that we can continue to fight against right-wing populism.